Hi I'm

Greetings! I'm a passionate full-stack web developer with over three years of hands-on experience. I thrive on turning ideas into seamless digital experiences. With a background in freelancing, I bring a proven track record of delivering exceptional services to diverse clients. Let's craft something extraordinary together!

Contact Me

My Services

Full Stack Websites

Bring your online presence to life with a comprehensive and seamless full stack website. I specialize in creating websites that not only look great but also function flawlessly. From captivating homepages to secure checkout processes, I've got you covered. Whether it's a vibrant portfolio, a dynamic blog, or a fully functional e-commerce platform, let's build a digital space that truly represents you or your business.

Frontend Development

Elevate your digital presence with captivating and responsive user interfaces. From sleek designs to seamless interactions, I specialize in turning ideas into visually stunning and user-friendly frontend experiences. Let's bring your website to life with the power of modern web technologies!

Backend Development

Power up your web applications with a robust and efficient backend. I specialize in crafting scalable server-side solutions, ensuring seamless data management and optimal performance. Let's build a strong foundation for your digital ambitions with my expertise in backend development.

Android Development

Transform your ideas into dynamic and user-friendly mobile experiences. As an Android developer, I specialize in creating native applications that run smoothly on a variety of devices. From concept to deployment, let's bring your app vision to the fingertips of users everywhere.

My Skills














Tailwind CSS


“Chirag was amazing! He took my ideas and made them into a fantastic website. I'm not good with tech stuff, but he explained everything so well. Now, my website is way better than I imagined! Totally recommend!”

Madhur Chopra
Madhur Chopra

“Chirag is a coding pro! He's really good with React.js and backend stuff. We did a tough project, and he turned our tech needs into a smooth web solution. Excited for more projects with him!”

Deep Agarwal

“Chirag made everything easy! I don't know tech things, but he was patient, answered all my questions, and made a website that's perfect for my business. He's super skilled and patient. Thanks for making my vision real!!”

Anshul Kalsain

“Chirag is different from other developers. His skills in Next.js and Golang are top-notch. He doesn't just write code; he makes digital magic. Working with him isn't just a project; it's a journey of cool ideas and awesome results!”

Dhruv Pruthi
Dhruv Pruthi

Contact Me